LetsDefend Monitoring Alert

Possible C2 Connection Detected from Non-Standard Port

Oct, 12, 2023, 01:37 PM

Event ID: 191

Event Time: Oct, 12, 2023, 01:37 PM

Rule Name: SOC229 - Possible C2 Connection Detected from Non-Standard Port

Alert Type: C2

MITRE Technique:
T1053.005 - Persistence - Scheduled Task,
T1566 - Initial Access - Phishing,
T1059 - Execution - Command and Scripting Interpreter,
T1105 - Command and Control - Ingress Tool Transfer,
T1204.002 - Execution - User Execution: Malicious File,
T1566.001 - Initial Access - Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment,
T1571 - Command and Control - Non-Standard Port,
T1104 - Command and Control - Multi-Stage Channels,

Severity: Medium

Incident Responder

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