LetsDefend Monitoring Alert

ScreenConnect Authentication Bypass Exploitation Detected (CVE-2024-1709)

Feb, 22, 2024, 01:39 AM

Event ID: 229

Event Time: Feb, 22, 2024, 01:39 AM

Rule Name: SOC262 - ScreenConnect Authentication Bypass Exploitation Detected (CVE-2024-1709)

Alert Type: Web Attack

MITRE Technique:
T1190 - Initial Access - Exploit Public-Facing Application,
T1136 - Persistence - Create Account,
T1562 - Defense Evasion - Impair Defenses,

Real World Example:Several attackers began targeting vulnerable public-facing ConnectWise ScreenConnect servers to exploit them and deliver ransomware by exploiting CVE-2024-1709 in February 2024.

Severity: Critical

Incident Responder

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