Windows Disk Forensics
Explore the intricacies of digital investigations and data recovery through
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Windows Disk Forensics
Windows Disk Forensics is a comprehensive course designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct digital investigations and forensic analysis on Windows-based computer systems. This course delves into the intricacies of collecting, preserving, and analyzing digital evidence from Windows disks, ensuring that students are well-prepared to navigate the complex world of digital forensics.
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Windows Disk Forensics
Explore the intricacies of digital investigations and data recovery through
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EXPECTED OUTCOMESDemonstrate a comprehensive understanding of digital forensics principles and their application to Windows-based systems.
Successfully apply acquired knowledge and skills through hands-on exercises, case studies, and practical simulations.
INTENDED AUDIENCEDigital Forensics Analysts: Experienced and aspiring digital forensics professionals seeking to enhance their skills and stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and tools specific to Windows-based systems.
Students and Researchers: College students and researchers pursuing degrees or conducting research in fields related to cybersecurity, computer science, or digital forensics.
PREREQUISITESBasic Computer Skills: Participants should have a fundamental understanding of computer hardware, software, and operating systems. Proficiency in using Windows-based systems is essential.
Cybersecurity Fundamentals: A foundational understanding of cybersecurity concepts, including common threats, vulnerabilities, and security measures, will be helpful.
Windows Disk Forensics
Explore the intricacies of digital investigations and data recovery through